MOCS is a non-profit organization that brings kids from all over Memphis to crags to learn the joy of climbing on real rock.
We partner with Memphis Rox to run a school program that brings kids to the gym twice a week for eight weeks and then brings the kids to Jamestown Crag to climb on real rock. By training with the kids in the gym before going to the crag, we build up the kids’ strength, technique, confidence, and safety skills so that we are able to run a full day of climbing and learning outside.
After the initial eight week training period and trip, we encourage the kids to continue to train with their school at Rox and invite them on regular trips outside to the crag.
We welcome all kids to climb with us, and we focus on increasing the diversity of climbers along lines of gender, race, and economic status by inviting girls’ schools and neighborhood public schools to participate. One of our foundational principles is never to turn a school program student away for lack of ability to pay.
Are you a community member of a school that would like to join our school program? If so, please contact us for more information about how to participate! Funding is helpful but not necessary. The main things we need from each school are about a dozen students excited to participate and an enthusiastic faculty or staff sponsor who will attend training sessions and trips . Some climbing experience for the sponsor is helpful but not at all required — our job is to teach you and the kids how to climb!